Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Day 32 Laguna Beach to LaJolla 65 miles(1,638 miles total)

Canada to Mexico, Day 32: 

We rode 65 miles to La Jolla (1,638 miles total). The bad news is that I'm sad that tomorrow will be our last day of riding. The good news is that tomorrow will be our last day of riding! As you can see, I have mixed emotions about our last day. One part of me is sad (and I never thought I'd say that) and another part of me is ecstatic. And then there are a thousand other emotions in-between. I don't know, I can't explain it. But I'll save my emotional update for tomorrow. For today's post, I'll do a hodgepodge of things. Summary of our ride thus far: throwing my bike down and bawling alongside the road because the headwinds are so severe I feel like I'm on a stationary bike, being told at 7:30 at night (after almost 12 hours of riding and crying) that there are no available hotels in the area because of a special event going on, begging a park ranger at 8:30 at night to please let us set up our tents on the "RV only" campground because there are no available campgrounds or hotels in the area (and being told no), riding our bikes at 8:45 pm (in the dark) and backtracking (in other words- losing precious miles we had ridden) to a campground, setting up our tents in the dark, and sharing a can of Pringles for dinner in our tent because we had nothing else to eat is VERY bad! (all those events took place on the day that had been erased from my memory, but those memories resurfaced for your entertainment). Gatorade, "Finding Friends" app (in which my dad has been able to track us the whole time), calorie burning, guard rails, bungee cords, Starbucks gift cards my students gave me that we've been using along the way, patch kits, hand sanitizer, credit cards, our GPS, Pat's awesome map-reading skills, donators, learning to drink water without stopping (it wasn't pretty, but I did it), my brother-in-law who has kept me up-to-date on the Olympics, my iPhone (aka my life line), my battery charger that charged everything, and Facebook are VERY good! (These are just random things that have been good on our ride, but I haven't mentioned and are definitely worth mentioning)!

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