Canada to Mexico, Day 23:
We rode 46 miles to Salsalito (1,050
miles total). We are done with our pity party! The bad news is that our day
didn't start off too well. Remember the spare tube that the bikers from the
hotel had? Well, when we went to put it on this morning, it blew up and
shredded to pieces (I don't even want to tell you that story)! So we had to
stand by the road and wait for bikers to go through, so we could flag them down
and beg for a spare tube (Pat and I both have plenty of spare tubes, but they
don't fit Riley's bike, of course). After about an hour, we finally flagged
down some bikers. The good news is that they had a spare! Now, we just needed
to go 17 miles to the next bike shop. More good news is that we made it! We
finally escaped the black hole/Twilight Zone/ Stephen King book/Bermuda Triangle
of flat tires and no bike
shops! When fixing Riley's tire, we discovered that a couple punctures were
from road debris and a couple of punctures were from some spokes poking
through. Just a streak of bad luck, I guess. The rest of the day went well- no major
hills and the sun was out (95 degrees- remember that I love that). Also- no
flats! Woo hoo! Summary of the day: tires blowing up are bad; the sun,
tailwinds, bike shops, bike paths (about 15 miles worth), no flats, a hotel
right off the bike path (last room, with complimentary screwdrivers), the smell
of jasmine in the air, civilization (finally), lemon drops, and wine are good!
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