Saturday, August 18, 2012

Day 20 Fort Bragg to Port Arena 45 miles(921 miles total)

Canada to Mexico, Day 20: 

We rode 45 miles to Port Arena (921 miles total). I would like to thank everyone for your words of encouragement, support, prayers, thoughts, and well wishes! They mean a lot to us and we really appreciate it! I've said it before and I'll say it again that I do feel bad that I haven't been able to respond to everyone's comments. I usually try to make comments to people's post and to respond to comments, but I am in a different world on this trip! It's about all I can do to make an update each night. On a really good day in which I'm not dead tired (which is not very often ), I might have enough energy to push a "like" button. So I do feel bad that I feel out of the loop in Facebook world and I do apologize if I haven't been able to respond to a message or if I missed your birthday, but I promise that once this trip is over, I will be more interactive and use proper Facebook etiquette with responding to comments. But for now, please forgive me and understand. Also, please know how much I appreciate your support and comments. This trip would be so much harder if we didn't have your love and support! So, the bad news for today is that when we were getting breakfast this morning, I met a fellow biker who told us how bad today's ride would be ((lots of up and down hills, coves, switchbacks, etc.). Also, our Bible (aka our book "Biking the West Coast) said that today would be very scenic, but very strenuous and that it would be about the same as yesterday's ride, as far as difficulty goes. To be honest with you, I'm done with the "character building" days! I think I've built enough character! Well, the good news is that the ride really wasn't that bad (either that, or I've built a really high pain tolerance)! Yes, there were lots of hills, switchbacks, and coves, but it makes such a difference when the sun is out! It's amazing what a difference a little vitamin D can do, I'm not getting poured on, and I can actually enjoy the beauty of the California Coast! Summary of the day: flat tires (Riley- our day is just not complete without a flat tire), switchbacks, coves, hills (I will always hate those hills), and slithering snakes in my path are bad; no breakdowns, no "F" bombs, the sun, wine and beer, deodorant, my new rear view mirror on my helmet, a high pain tolerance, and your love and support are good!

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