Canada to Mexico, Day 18:
We rode 45 miles to Leggett (841 miles total). We are momentarily off the
coast, so we are more inland right now and we saw lots of sun today. 88
degrees! Oh yeah- that's the way I like it! Don't worry, we are drinking LOTS
of water! The bad news is that tomorrow, we have our biggest mountain of the
whole trip- Leggett Mountain, which is 2,200 feet in elevation. It's known as
"The Big Climb." The good news is that Riley is feeling lots better
today and Pat is fully recovered too. So far, I'm feeling good (besides just
being really tired, which is to be expected), so I am hopeful that I will
continue to be healthy, safe, and sane (well, I'm not sure about the sane part
at this point, but healthy and safe). More good news is that we hit the half-way
mark today! Woo hoo! Summary of the day: dread of tomorrow, road kill, chains
coming off bikes, and husbands having "F" bombs because of chains off
bikes are bad; road construction (in which we have the lanes to ourselves for a
few minutes and don't have to worry about traffic), big vehicles that suck us
in and pull us along for a few minutes, newfound calf muscles that I didn't
know existed, Blistex, biking without a jacket, wine, and having John Anderson
pop up on the iPod as I type this (my dad's favorite- love you and miss you
Dad) are very very good!
My son Riley age 5
My son Riley age 15
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